Duomo Gs100

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Duomo is recognised within the gas industry for providing a comprehensive range of low cost, high reliability gas detection for many applications. They have installed and commissioned natural gas and carbon monoxide sensors in applications such as boiler rooms, kitchens, car parks, aircraft hangers, factories and shopping centres. The GS100M is the command centre for the complete range of Duomo gas sensors. All Duomo products are manufactured to meet relevant European Normative and proposals for explosive and toxic gases.

The GS100M is a wall or panel mounted microprocessor based gas detector control unit. It can be configured to meet customer requirements. The following parameters can be changed using on board DIP switches:

  • Sensor on/off
  • Type of gas to be sensed (explosive or toxic)
  • Intrinsically safe option (on or off )
  • Main alarm relay action (latching or auto-reset)

The GS100M has two plug-in terminal blocks. One is for the incoming mains supply and alarm circuit wiring and the second is for connecting the sensor wiring. This reduces the chance of incorrect site wiring. The front panel has two overload lights which indicate when a short circuit or an overload has occurred on the sensor wiring.

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