Duomo is recognised within the gas industry for providing a comprehensive range of low cost, high reliability gas detection for many applications. They have installed and commissioned natural gas and carbon monoxide sensors in applications such as boiler rooms, kitchens, car parks, aircraft hangers, factories and shopping centres.
The CHCO is a dual sensor, methane and carbon monoxide detector. When methane and/or carbon monoxide are sensed the detector sounds an on board audible alarm and changes over a volt free contact relating to the type of gas sensed. These volt free relays can be used to isolate the electrical supply to gas solenoid valves or give a remote indication of an alarm. The alarm threshold for methane is 20% LEL and for carbon monoxide is 300ppm. The CHCO also has a separate carbon monoxide relay alarm facility which gives a relay output at 30-50-100ppm of carbon monoxide based on time weighted average function.