Fabricated Products 1Pass

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Fabricated Products 1 Pass a combined air dearatory and dirt separator, designed for the removal of Air, Dirt, Magnetite and Sludge in a single pass. 

The 1 Pass unit provides the removal of 99% of Air & Dirt through a single unit in just one pass.

The word Dearation describes the removal of dissolved gases from liquids such as air from water. When water is heated or the pressure reduced, gas microbubbles are released into the system. Microbubbles can be the cause of major problems such as pump failure, corrosion and energy loss.

The Solution:
The 1Pass combines the removal of air and dirt through a single unit. Installed at the hottest point in the system, the 1Pass will eliminate these microbubbles from heating and chilled water systems.

The special design of the filter ensures all dirt including magnetite down to 2/3 micron and less are removed. 

All magnetite and any other debris will be quickly removed, minimising the amount of time that the dirt will be in the water system concerned.

Modern boilers have very low water content, making them vulnerable to accumulated deposits (dirt) causing boiler failure. The main reason for appliance breakdown is this dirty water. The water that circulates around any heating (or cooling) system will be contaminated with a variety of damaging debris, including magnetite (which turns to sludge).

Such contamination is always damaging to a heating/cooling system, but to the latest generation of high-output, low water-content appliances, dirty water is a major hazard. System cleansing and water treatment is now very vital and necessary to the welfare and prolonged existence of the boiler/chiller plant.

Air Separation & Air and Dirt Separation:
Both these units must be installed at the hottest part of the system (before the pumps). In a heating system this is the main flow from the boilers. In a chilled water system the unit must be located in the return close to the chiller.

Dirt Separation only:
his unit should be installed in the return pipework before the flow of water enters any plant (boilers, pumps, etc.). There is no head restriction on this unit.

The 1 Pass unit requires no special commissioning. All units are fitted with a 3 way valve under the auto air vent valve, which should be used when initially filling the system. The same valve is used for draining off floating “scum” that prevents the possibility of dirt clogging the air vent. Maintenance will be required to remove trapped dirt and sludge.

  • All flanges are drilled to BS 4504 PN16 as standard. Plain ends and other flange ratings are available on request. The SS CleanVent unit is maintenance free.
  • Drain Valve, all models are supplied with a ball valve for draining the collected dirt and sludge.

Fabricated Products also manufacture Chemical Dosing Pots, Water Sample Coolers, Buffer Vessels and Hydronic Headers. 

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