Arbonia Brugman Centric

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Arbonia Brugman Centric

Brugman’s Centric Collection provides wonderful heating comfort, letting you enjoy your home immensely at any time. The Centric is beautifully finished and stylishly designed. It is equipped with a smart, fixed centre connection that makes installing the radiator very easy. The Piano Centric panel radiators have a flat front plate and a rounded finish that create a sleek design, emphasised by the smart, fixed centre connection. Brugman’s range of Centric Line models provides additional value to any interior: efficient and elegant radiators including a flat front plate and sleek lines – modern comfort in the widest sense of the word. It meets all your wishes due to the intelligent centre connection.

Valve radiator with both a middle connection (underneath) and four side connections with valve insert included. By using the J-bracket it is possible to mirror reverse the radiator, so that he thermostat knob can be mounted on the left or right (with the exception of type 11)

Home is still the place where we feel best. The Centric ensures that it is also a warm place. Where a suitable central heating comfort ensures that we can optimally enjoy that home at all times. The Centric adds to this another major plus: stylish design. The radiator is not only very beautifully finished, it is equipped with an intelligent, fixed middle connection, which turns it into a beautifully harmonious whole. And thanks to this middle connection, it can also be mounted very quickly.


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