REX 7-130 and REX 140-350 steel boiler, cylindrical combustion chamber with reverse flame, completely closed round posterior side supported by a completely submerged nozzle.Connectible to pressure air jet burner for gas or liquid fuel operation.Used in systems with water temperature between 60 and 100 °C (safety thermostat set at 110 °C).
- Boiler body built from high quality steel, made from front tube sheet turned towards the combustion chamber using RSB procedures and from convex rear plate (rather than a flat surface for a better resistance internal pressure), with laser cut holes.
- Cylindrical revers flame combustion chamber, with the rear side completely sealed off by a convex bottom supported by a submerged nozzle; the flame presenting itself in the central part of the chamber, while hot gases return to the lower part of the partially submerged chamber. Hot gases will be conveyed through the tube bundle.
- EN10217-2 P235GH smoke ducts welded to tube plates, fitted with special helical turbulators.
- Posterior fume box manufactured from thermal insulated steel sheets, constructed in one piece that can be easily opened and that allows smoke duct inspections, fastened with bolts, equipped with chimney connection and cleaning door.
- Boiler casing equipped with system and working device connections, all manufactured with approved welding procedures and qualified personnel.
- High density, glass wool mattress insulation, protected by easily removable, varnished steel panels.
- REX 140-350 round, embossed, aluminium casing.
- Steel sheet, fibre-ceramic, thermal insulated, reversible rear door (only for models up to REX 180, last one being included), mounted on hinges, easily opened with equipped lever by drilled ferrules.